ONCE UPON A TIME...Back To The Bars

TODD RUNDGREN Back To The Bars (Bearsville,1978) - Rock Perhaps it is not surprising, but Todd Rundgren has released very few live albums during his long career. When looking at his solo career, as opposed to his work with Utopia, the opportunities to hear recordings of him playing live are even less. Given that his solo albums tend to be just that, solo projects, recreating them live presents something of a challenge, creating the need for a touring band to be put together. "Back to the bars" captures Todd live in 3 US cities early on, around the time of the "Hermit of Mink Hollow" album. The set list draws in songs from the various albums he had released up to this point, and while not a "Greatest hits live" as such ("I saw the light" only appears as part of a medley for example), it does arguably represent a "Best of" collection. TRACKLIST 1: Real Man / Love Of The Common Man / The Verb 'To Love' / Love In Act...