HALL & OATES X-Static (RCA,1979) - Rock, Pop With X-STATIC, their 1979 album, Hall and Oates got caught in the middle of a raging battle between disco and rock. They started incorporating ceratin elements of disco into their sound; however, contrary to popular belief, X-STATIC is not a disco album. It's a combination of disco and their signature rock 'n soul music. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's kind of like a mixed bag. But X-STATIC does have its moments. The first several songs, "The Woman Comes and Goes," "Wait For Me," "Portable Radio," "All You Want Is Heaven," and "Who Said the World Is Fair," are all standouts, proving that Daryl and John can write some great songs. But from the sixth track "Running From Paradise," its title says it all. A silly, unfocused dud, it is the worst song on the album, and, things start to fall apart from then on. It's a dry spel...