VOICES IN THE SKY...Aretha Franklin


     Daughter of Detroit’s acclaimed Baptist preacher, the Reverend C L Franklin, Aretha Louise Franklin was just into her twenties when she signed to Atlantic in November 1966, but had already experienced more than a dozen years in the music biz.
     When Aretha arrived at Atlantic Records she immediately began recording at a heady pace. In 1967 and 1968 she released four albums – I’ve Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You)Aretha ArrivesLady Soul and Aretha Now – a fierce prolificacy aided by the groups of studio musicians who accompanied her – the Alabama boys at Fame in Muscle Shoals, the Dixie Flyers at Criteria in Miami, the crack New York players and a super-hot Los Angeles team. Each added a fresh spice to Aretha’s stew.
     By 1969 Aretha was recording material for her two 1970 albums, This Girl’s In Love With You and Spirit In The Dark, at first in New York and then down in Miami.
     The hits slowed in the 80s, and the 90s were a virtual desert for her, but 1998’s A Rose Is Still A Rose album successfully re-positioned her as the Godmother to a whole new generation of R&B stars. The sublime title track (penned by Lauryn Hill) stood comparison with her best work.
     The Queen of Soul passed away at her home in Detroit on 16 August 2018 aged 76.

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